This was a pivotal moment that changed everything for me. It happened when a consultant shared his perspective: “Everyone loves Susan, but if she led more with her head and less with her heart, she could take her business to the next level.” That’s the moment I realized the revamping of my entrepreneurial journey was in order. I instinctively knew without a shadow of a doubt why I became an entrepreneur in the first place — to create, inspire, and lead with my heart.
Revamping my entrepreneurial journey.
Society has made it so that the “Blood, Sweat, and Tears” approach, characterized by working 80-plus hours a week, is how we achieve results, that burnout is a badge of honor. However, after living and working in this way for many years, only to experience burnout, I realized this conventional way of thinking and working was unsustainable. Most importantly, it wasn’t for me.
This was the wake-up call I needed, the push that inspired me to reevaluate everything about my work and life.
As this clarity continued, I realized that doing things like everyone else no longer made sense. I knew I had the power to repave my entrepreneurial journey in a way that suited my desires and lifestyle. I understood that while leading with my heart first made sense, I also needed to dig a little deeper and find the missing pieces that led me to experience this burnout in the first place.
It was time to take inspired action and align my efforts with my heart’s desires.
I boldly decided to go all in, leading with my heart first and setting an example for others. This was my chance to make the impact I always wanted, but first, I had to line things up if I wanted to prove to the consultant and others that working smarter, not harder, is achievable. To demonstrate that leading with our hearts first is the only way to stand out and reach our full potential online.
I took things one step further and began evaluating the different parts of my business to see the aspects that aligned with who I wanted to be and how I wanted to show up to help others. This meant looking at everything from the backend operations to the front-end service offerings, delivery, and the bottom line.
This eye-opening exercise is what shaped the rest of my journey moving forward.
Evolution is remarkable when you allow it to unfold naturally.
What I’ve learned during this revamping approach is that taking the time to let things unfold instead of rushing the process is a powerful strategy. When we allow ourselves to evolve personally and grow with our online platforms, our impacts can unfold in so many more beautiful ways than we imagine from the start. This is my experience and it’s the most amazing feeling ever.
I know now that every step forward, no matter how big or small, is a step toward becoming a better version of ourselves. For me, this meant taking all of the knowledge and experience I had gained, keeping some, leaving others, and seeing how the skills that aligned with my new structure could fit in. It also meant, taking a close look at my belief system, acknowledging my gifts and strengths in a way that quite literally reshaped my whole existence.
I ditched the business as usual and designed the Purpose Driven Impact Model and founded the GO BEYOND ‘BIZ’ EXPERIENCE!
Through this whole experience of revamping, rebuilding and repaving my entrepreneurial journey, the most essential things that were lacking, causing me to be overworked, underpaid, and experience burnout, was a strong foundation, a streamlined approach and a simple process to attract, connect, and sell online. Fast forward to the here and now, where I get to show up as an Impact Activator, build the most powerful online platforms, and teach other heart-centered leaders how to evolve and grow with their newly co-created purpose-driven impacts.
I invite you to come along for the ride and join in on the fun as more people ditch the business as usual to go beyond ‘biz’ and experience the excitement and impact of bringing their ideas to life and their dreams into a thriving reality.
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