First off, if no one ever congratulated you for having the courage and taking the bold step to hop on this entrepreneurial train, I want to do that right now.

👏 Congratulations 👏 This is cause for celebration!

Recently, I was reminded how excited and full of passion I was when I started my business. I knew my “why” and I was ready to conquer the world without hesitation. 🥹

This is the absolute best time for you to sit with yourself, in meditation if you are into that.

Think about what brought you to start your business in the first place; what you love most about it, and how you think you can make people’s lives better with this unique gift you have. What’s the impact you want to make in the lives of the people in your community and the world?

I know there is a lot of talk about niching and I am not discounting that at all, but this is not the time to stress about any particular niche. You must tap into the beautiful energy of passion and grab all you can while you can.

Chances are pretty good that either you or someone close to you, at some point in your life experienced the problem or challenge you hope to solve with your business. You instinctively knew during these times that this was what you wanted to do — write about this, gather your thoughts and turn them into points of interest.

The information you gather by asking these deep and important questions will be golden and the answers will guide you as you begin your entrepreneurial journey.

New ideas will come and continue to flow. The best part is that the energy you put out there will allow the right people to gravitate to you and your new business.

You can trust in my words because I have been where you are, I am still there after 23 years, and because I often reflect on these things and do regular check-ins, I have been able to see things evolve with my business in a way that not only brings me joy but fulfills me in every way.

My business looks so different than it did at the beginning because I allowed myself to help whoever I could and the niche (the people I wanted to serve) eventually showed itself to me when the time was right.

It’s trial and error until you get it right. If you can give yourself permission to lead with your heart first, the rest will follow, and the pieces will fall into place the way they were always meant to.

Don’t let the overwhelming information and multitude of expert guidance that exists cloud your mind, dim your light, or get in the way of you sharing your unique gifts with the world. 

I did this for many many years and it’s not until now that I can experience what it truly means to be “Living the Dream.”

You will make mistakes and that’s ok. You don’t have to have all the answers right now, and I promise the right people who are meant to help you with the logistics and technicalities will appear.  

I wish I knew this when I started. I wish I knew a lot of things, but I know (now) that the things I needed to know and learn came at the perfect timing so I could experience what I needed to step into this new way of doing business.

It doesn’t matter what stage or phase you are at in your business right now, remember these things take time, and know that I too, even after 23 years, have to remind myself of this from time to time.

Hope this helps you. 🤗

Here’s to you and your business. To the unfolding of this beautiful new chapter and to all the success you can handle moving forward. 🫶🏻

It’s a journey, not a destination. 🤗

If you ever need anything, no matter how big or small it may be, I am here for you. If your question is outside my scope of business, I will happily refer you to the people I know and trust the most. All you have to do is click here and send me a direct message.