You are where you are supposed to be. I am where I am supposed to be. That’s a fact.
Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves that everything happens when it is supposed to. Not sooner, not later, in divine order and divine timing. It will always and forever be like this.
I make it sound easy to understand that 🤣
In all honesty, I only truly grasped this reality this past year… and I have been at this game for 23 years. 😳
As I work to improve my mentorship program.
I am reminded of this fact. Part of my mission is to test different strategies, tactics and creative ways for us, myself and my mentees, to get our online businesses and movements out there. I test, evaluate and teach what works well so we can all grow and prosper together.
It’s so much fun! 💃
If I had a crystal ball and the skills to read it, I bet it would show nothing but beautiful changes, positive impacts and abundance for every single Beyond “Biz” mentee in the next 12 months.
I can feel this with every fibre of my being. 🥹
As I am gearing up to close the year and prepare for the new year ahead, I always review the goals I have set for myself and evaluate them. If they happened I celebrate, if they didn’t I look deeper to see why that is.
Although I may not reach all my goals, this past year has been so amazing. The amount of work and things I have accomplished during these last 12 months, has been so much more than I can say for all the years before I stepped into the Beyond “Biz” Way of doing business.
One of the things I am testing and perfecting is joining private Facebook groups and leveraging their audiences.
This is a thing and the people who create these groups explicitly want you to leverage their audiences because they have reached a certain level of success and this is their way to give back.
Choosing the right groups is a bit tricky and I usually follow my instinct, if it feels “Icky”, I am out! Usually, it feels “Icky” when people sell, sell and sell some more.
Here’s an example, I received a message from someone who offered me his services and when I asked him how we know each other, he said “We don’t”. That’s it… We don’t. So my response to him was “OK then.” 🤣
The conversation ended and I deleted the text. 🤦♀️
I prefer to think of sales in terms of income-generating activities or another term I heard was “Clean Sales Framework”. I love the word clean and framework together because it takes the “ick” out for me.
Of course, we want to make money and need to make money in our businesses to make it sustainable, but selling, in my opinion, is not the way. Income generation is a responsibility we have to our business, to our clients, our families and to ourselves. Even though it sounds like sales and involves money, I see activities, not sales.
I feel like I have imposter syndrome when it comes to sales too because I don’t consider myself a salesperson, I don’t like sales, and I hate being sold to, especially by people I don’t know.
Some people love to be sold too, and that’s ok.
But in keeping with the part of my mission that is to test, evaluate and teach what works, and in trying to reach my goals for the year, I thought I would try the sales approach in a private group, just to see what would happen, and here’s how that went:
A person posted a comment about all things technology and syncing her online business to the right tools. She was genuine, looked at her website and instantly knew I could help her. So I “Pimped My Ride, it felt icky and later I deleted my post because it didn’t feel good and all the other comments were like “Pick Me” “Pick Me!” “Pretty Please, Pick Me!”
I did not want to be part of that competitive environment, and again, contrary to many beliefs:
I believe when we lead with our hearts first, have our online business elements synced and set for success, and have a foolproof and consistent communications process, competition becomes irrelevant.
So I deleted my “Icky” post and instead, I reached out to her by email and told her I hoped she didn’t get too many of these requests, but that I had looked at her website, and her online business and felt that my solution could benefit her. I gave her a little background so that she could see that I was genuine and knew what I was talking about. I invited her to a 30-minute no-obligation call so I could show her behind-the-scenes and give her the next steps she needs to take, at no cost to her.
You see, by doing this, If the energy is good, if it’s the right fit, she will naturally flow into my process without feeling sold to. I have yet to hear from her, but this felt a lot better for me because I felt like I was serving not selling.
So all this is to say that my advice is always to have a “Service” mentality rather than a “Sales” mentality. Help first, be genuine, and if you feel you can honestly help someone, ask for a good old-fashioned conversation to learn more about their situation, send them to your online business and offer a few quick solutions at no cost. If it’s a fit, it will happen. If it’s not, keep going because this Serving Mentality is a positive and powerful energy, and when you put it out there, along with an easy and seamless digital journey on your website, things will begin to flow into income-generating activities that will naturally and organically create win/win scenarios consistently.
This is a strategy I will be teaching my mentees in the new year, but until then, I will keep perfecting it until it makes sense and works in our favour.
I hope this blog post encourages you to reflect on all that you have accomplished these past twelve months. I know you have done a lot too, but if you feel you are not where you think you are supposed to be, know that you are. Evaluate the goals you have and have not reached and know that this is just part of the journey. See what you can do to improve things during the next 12 months. Is it creating a new online platform for your business, improving your communications process, or simply creating a process and system for attracting more of the people who matter the most to your business, and most importantly, sticking to it?
I know this time next year, will look even better because in this community, we are Beyond “Biz” Doers and Thinkers, and that’s what makes all the difference.
You can learn more about the Beyond “Biz” Mentorship here!